Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Lifeless Parallel – A Short Journey in Life

Things fall apart – they break. Its only natural.

You wake up in the morning and whats your first thought...? Make it count you only have one response, a simple yet delicate fleeting moment as the body begins to join the land of the conscious. Most often this exact moment will dissolve into the infinite amount of memories stored in that brain of yours never to be heard of again.

Yet not so often that precise moment resonates and sparks a sundry of ideas, as if a 1000 chefs are all preparing extremely complex recipes while at the same time conducting an orchestra.
Those moments, however, few and far between should be dwelled upon and exhausted to no end, and ill tell you why.... you ready?

The fruits of labor you know the seemingly impossible shit people do each day all seemingly without effort, are all locked up in those fleeting moments, we just don't realize it. Right, or may be not, but at least that shit sounds good on the way out.

The truth is I absolutely hate dealing with things i can't recall. each time it never fails, there is a moment where the past is brought back into my life for one reason or another, good or bad it makes no difference, and most of these instances i can't recall ever doing. And while they seem so significant to the party to which you are involved in said recollections, the mere thought of not remembering something or someone leaves one to fall victim to any and all, albeit accurate, assumptions about the worth and significance of these situations and or people.

Take this for instance – ever met someone for the first time and just have 0 reaction, nothing about them jumps out at you and screams "REMEMBER THIS CUZ ITS GONNA COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU" Their face possibly (im good with faces), the brief circumstances of your exchange, possibly, but nothing really stores itself into your long term. Now fast forward, you meet again, under different circumstances maybe, but you don't recall. And this person is giving you the look as if they've known you from the moment of birth, and are calling you by your first name, yet all the while you are staring at them with that blank face racking the infinite amount of possible people you've met since birth, and the first word the comes out is a confused choking sound.

Not again, so now you are left with a choice:
a) you play along, you volley back and forth with them. You nod your head and laugh when they recall some funny thing you did when you first met and patiently wait for their name or some sign that will jog your memory as to who they are. You simply act as if.


b) make a complete ass of yourself and verify what is going on in the back of this persons mind as they ramble about, "I have no clue who you are or what you are talking about" by giving them that questioning look as though their name is right on the tip of your tongue and you're terribly sorry for not remembering their name (which we all know is total bs, but they don't) and such.

And while on the inside neither seem very nice or the proper thing to do, but you have to admit it happens to everyone and its simply unavoidable, each one has its advantages and disadvantages. No one wants to feel unimportant BUT no one wants to be that asshole who has to sit in an uncomfortable situation while waiting to exonerated from their lack of recollection.

But heres my question: what does not remembering something that is obviously so vivid and real to someone or that someone entirely really say about the person who can't recall?

(insert opinion here)

This is sadly however a very common occurrence for me.

but let me pose a counter question: What does that say about the people and situations that said person does remember and hold sacred?

again (insert opinion here)

more to follow...